Heritage Work

We would prefer not to pigeon hole ourselves as Heritage Architects but rather architects with a considerable range of heritage experience along with our other architectural skills. The work we do and the locations in which we design and work are often within the inner city areas that are also Conservation Areas and often involve buildings that are of some or high heritage significance. Such work involves a respect and understanding of old building fabric and heritage conservation practice.

We embrace heritage work within our overall architectural practice, not as a specialist heritage consultant brought in to advise on heritage aspects but our heritage experience informs all aspects of our design and construction services. Heritage work we have carried out includes adaptive re-use of buildings of various types, restoration and conservation work to houses and other building types. We regularly prepare Conservation Management Plans, Heritage Impact Statements and Heritage Reports as part of our overall architectural services.


  • Click here to view some of our Heritage projects.


    Heritage Work

    Heritage Work

    Heritage Work

    Heritage Work