Construction Services Stage

The design intent documents are the main method by which your requirements are conveyed to the builder for construction. The realization of the built work is a very complex process which starts with lines, numbers and words on flat sheets of paper and concludes with a built, three dimensional structure for human habitation to satisfy (and exceed) your expectations. Needless to say in this process there are a myriad number of clarifications, deliberations, and refinements of the design that are needed to be progressed along with the input of a collaborative building contractor.

The importance of this stage cannot be underestimated. The Oikos Architect's involvement during this stage is critical to realizing the documented design intent and is the natural conclusion of the earlier design development and design intent documentation stages. During this stage as registered Architects, we act as contract administrators for the building project.

Before work begins and during construction, there will be numerous activities which require further architectural input. Oikos Architects services for this stage include the following typical activities; discussion of the various methods of project delivery and the benefits and pitfalls of each method; calling tenders based on the agreed method of project delivery; preparation of the contract documentation and contract engagement of the builder; conducting regular site inspections and site meetings during construction; providing additional details and supplementary information that may be required; modifications of the design intent documentation to take into account client changes and unforeseen circumstances, administering all aspects and requirements of the building contract; assisting with Council, Private Certifier and authorities requirements; coordinate other consultants work; issue architect's instructions as may be required and progress certificates and final occupation certificate; following through at the end of the project for defect rectification and authority certificates.


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